Colin Edwards ‘feels great’ after collarbone surgery

To quote Colin Edwards in his own words he is ‘one hard motherf…er ‘ with a very high threshold for pain, something he’s already proved it last year at Silverstone.
The NGM Forward rider underwent collarbone surgery yesterday in Barcelona at the Insitituto Universitario Dexeus and following a two hour operation where Dr.

Xavier Mir inserted a plate and ten screws and a mess of staples on his collarbone which he broke in five pieces and he says he feelsgreat.
’“Doctor Mir and his team have done a great job,” said Edwards.
“They were the ones that took care of me the last time.
The surgery was really quick.
I’m feeling great, still a little dizzy from the anesthesia but feeling all right.
They put a block on the side of my neck so its feeling a little numb.
I’m here watching TV and tweeting.
Just want to let everyone know I’m ok!”Dr.
Mir (the surgen for almost all the Spanish riders) said, “The bone was broken in 5 pieces and required the insertion of a titanium plate with ten screws.

The surgery performed was successful and he will be able to begin rehabilitation/physical therapy within a week.
He will remain in the Instituto Universitario Dexeus in Barcelona for now.
”Since this surgery was Edward’s fourth on his collarbone, his recovery is estimated to take longer and he may not be able to return to action at the upcoming Le Mans GP.
Photo source texastornad5@twitter.

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