Coffee Away, Francesco Sani’s coffee tray

If you thought that good coffee was all about ordering your mega-cappuccino and taking it away in a foam cup, you will get a rude shock if ever you come to Italy.
Ordering just a “caffé” in Italy will get you an espresso, in a small cup and most likely standing up at the bar.

But it appears the Italians are adapting to a more hectic lifestyle, especially in cities, and are embracing the take-away coffee phenomenon.
But as in everything, the Italians do it sylishly, and Francesco Sani, a young Italian designer, has developed a portable coffee tray for the on-foot baristas.
This little contraption enables a barista to carry to his point of call four espresso coffees with accompanying sugar sachets.
The product can be personalized with various designs and can become an excellent means of company promotion.
