Cockatoos as pets

© Sulphur-crested Cockatoo in captivity perching on a branch in Florida,

The key to make Cockatoo a great companion is a great beginning. Cockatoos are known for becoming aggressive and developing behavioral issues like screaming and biting. These birds demand a lot of attention at any cost. Otherwise, they feel neglected and become cranky. Therefore, if you are ready to take care of a cockatoo for life, then only take the bird home.

There are about 21 species of cockatoos of which 17 are white in color. More than half of the species are endemic to Australia and rest can be found in Indonesia, New Guinea and the South Pacific. The most common cockatoos are the Goffin, the Umbrella, the Moluccan, the Sulphur crested and the Lesser Sulphur crested. These birds are usually 12 to 25 inches tall.

A properly trained, raised and socialized Cockatoo makes a fantastic companion. They are famous for being very sweet and affectionate. These cuddly birds always want to be on their owners and have therefore earned the name Velcro Birds. Cockatoos just crave for attention and gel with anybody who pets them.

Cockatoo Care

Cockatoos should be fed with the right kind of food. They require a different variety of fresh food like fresh vegetables, nuts and fruits. Cooked grains like oats, bailey, vegetable pasta, brown rice and sweet potato should also be added to their diet. Cockatoos should be fed with bird pellets and small amounts of seeds several times a week. Special care should be taken not to feed the bird with chocolates, salted chips, fried food and alcohol.

Cockatoos must shower or bath every week. Bathing should be a part of regular cockatoo care. This keeps their plumage in good condition and helps them to get rid of feature dust.

Cockatoo care also includes providing good living space for the bird. The bigger the space, the better. Cockatoos love space and it also provides room for perches and toys.

In a nutshell, if you are ready to go an extra mile and dedicate time and attention, a cockatoo will make an exceptional pet. However, if you aren’t willing to make extra efforts, then stick to the less demanding species.
