Cittavecchia: a home-made brewery in Trieste

There’s this small brewery in Trieste called Civitavecchia.
Actually it’s located in an area named “Prosecco Station” which tends to make one rather think of sparkling white wines! Anyway this brewery produces homemade beers of high quality and above all beers that haven’t been pasteurised or filtered at all.

Civitavecchia production includes pale and dark beers, the one people call the Formidable and the other one, many of you surely know, called Weizen.
To these several types of beer one can also add the Saint Nicolò which I’m sorry to say is brewed only on 6th December, Patron Saint’s day! Here’s a list pairing beer with exquisite regional food: an omelette made of eggs and briscandoli (a wild asparagus that only grows on the Asiago plateau) which should always be paired with pale beers; the Jota, a vegetable soup tastes divine when accompanied with dark ones; the sardoni impanati (anchovies fished in the Gulf of Trieste and then fried) are perfect instead with the Weizen beer.
For the Formidable, on the contrary, I would suggest you something far sweeter: strudel !! An old recipe that will make your mouth water! Remember that these beers are without added preservatives so they will last only for six months and no more!

Written by Unit

Gerry McCoy sliding

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