Ciao vecchio! George Clooney too old for Melissa Satta: picky Italian show girls

Italian show girl Melissa Satta has said that while Elisabetta Canalis has won a cute boyfriend in the form of George Clooney, Satta herself would never go for a man that old.
Discussing the Clooney-Canalis love story with her husband, former Italian football player Christian Vieri, Melissa Satta has said she has a limit of 40 years old as a target for a man.

According to her “Bobo” Vieri is already on the borderline, which begs the question: what is Melissa going to do when her own husband reaches the ripe old age of 40?! (and how will she cope in the future when at a mere 40 years herself old it will be time to be put out to pasture…?).
