Church for sale in Milan

Italy is full of churches but it’s quite rare to see one up for sale.
But the guys at 02blog.
it have managed to snap this pic of a church for sale in Milan’s Udine district, near Lambrate.
We’ve got no idea, if having a Sunday School facility increases the value, or who would actually buy this, but it’s certainly a curious occurrance.

The church is San Carlo alle Rottole, and sits on the corner of via Tolmezzo and via Palmanova.
It was originally built in the 12th century only to be completely knocked down in the 1960’s to make way for the adjoining building.
Being under heritage protection though, the church had to be rebuilt in the last of a bizarre series of events.
Now on sale, it’s the icing on the cake of a strange but true story from Italy.
There’s not much more information to be had given that the even the internet has its limitations on local folklore, but we’ll bring you more news of the church sale if we get it.
