Christmas and New year in Comacchio with fireworks and nativity scenes

The delightful town of Comacchio, affectionately known as the small Venice, is now preparing for the Christmas season with a series of tempting events which will make your inspiration come alive.
Imaginatively built on 13 islets linked by bridges, Comacchio is at the heart of a beautiful and enchanting lagoon in the Emilia Romagna region.

The programme for the coming festive season includes nativity scene exhibitions, performances by buskers, traditional Christmas markets and a spectacular display of fireworks to delight adults and children alike.
The first event to take place in Comacchio will be Collezionando sull’acqua which will run until Epiphany day (but only over weekends).
In Comacchio, visitors will also have the opportunity to enjoy a noteworthy array of nativity scenes which will be on view at various churches around town.
The chief attraction however, will be crib scene, constructed on the water underneath the famous Trepponi archway – one of the most picturesque corners in Comacchio.
I cannot leave out a special date, 18 December, when this pretty town will be host to a colourful music and dance show.

So, if you are looking for somewhere to go alone, with friends or the family at this time of year – let Comacchio show you the way.
