Cheap places to eat in Milan: Pescheria in Piazza XXIV Maggio

With temperatures soaring, people are now on the lookout for a nice, cheap place to eat alfresco.
The pescheria in Piazza XXIV Maggio in Milan has a lot to offer especially when it comes to sea-food menus.
People can enjoy dinner outside and spend next to nothing.
The fixed-price menu will cost you only 9,50 euros which includes mixed fish-fry and a soft drink, but if you are in the mood for something fancier you can opt for smoked tuna, swordfish and beer (20 euros).

Fish fries will be served in aluminium trays and cooked while you’re waiting at the counter.
I went there a couple of days ago and I found the fish absolutely delicious! pesce fritto in piazza XXIV maggio

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