Champion’s League: survey on Italy’s football

Outclassed or just unlucky, is the question that today’s Gazzetta dello Sport in Italy has put to the Italian public, after all Italian football teams in the Champion’s League lost out to English teams in matches over the last two days.
With Juventus going down in a draw to Chelsea, last night saw Inter Milan and Roma playing against Manchester United and Arsenal, in another two disappointing matches for Italian football fans.

While Inter played hard and showed some class, the team was caught napping in the opening minutes of both the first and second halves, providing some poor defence which Manchester took advantage of.
Roma at least put a goal past Arsenal, but was defeated on subsequent penalties, despite playing with heart and passion.
With all Italian teams now out of the Champion’s League, questions are being asked about the standard of Italian football.
And so far the Gazzetta’s survey has the public at nearly 70 percent saying that Italy doesn’t rate more than the quarter finals.
Was it bad luck or bad play? Click here for the survey.

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