Celebrating World AIDS Day in 2020

This day is commemorated to show support for people who live with HIV and remember those who have died from AIDS.

World AIDS Day happens every December 1. This day is commemorated to show support for people who live with HIV and remember those who have died from AIDS.

World AIDS Day 2020

AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is a life-threatening disease caused by HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus). Its symptoms include sore throat, fever, nausea, a stomach infection, skin rashes etc.

This year, World AIDS Day’s theme is called “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Resilience and Impact”. The theme is designed to remind everyone to make an effort in eliminating the disease and to reduce the stigma associated with being infected.

World AIDS Day was first celebrated in 1987 as the first-ever global health day by James W Bunn and Thomas Netter. Both were public information officers for the Global Programme on AIDS at the WHO.

Many still don’t know the real information about AIDS because of its stigma. So people are often scared to openly speak about it and get quick treatment. People need to be educated about the ways to prevent this disease and to take necessary precautions.

AIDS can be contracted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk of the infected person. It can also be contracted through unprotected sex with an infected person. Sharing injection needles, syringes, blades, razors with the infected person can also result in the contraction of this disease.


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