Casey Stoner and Dani Pedrosa Sepang videos

With the Sepang2 tests that start tomorrow, Repsol has decided to upload to video interviews with some action footage from Casey Stoner and Dani Pedrosa from the previous test in Malaysia.
The first part of the interview with Stoner is more or less a repeat of what he said during the first test including the rule change that added weight to their Honda that he found frustrating, and other little tidbits.

Dani Pedrosa’s video is in Spanish, but the official MotoGP website has the written translation, so you can check what he’s saying here, and we’ve also added what their latest musings from their respective Repsol blogs.
From Dani Pedrosa:Hello,We are now in Malaysia and before I go to bed I want to tell you how the journey went and what we are planning to do in these the second practice sessions in Sepang.
As I told you last week we brought the travel date forward so that the jet lag will affect us as little as possible.
The trip went well.
I tried to rest and sleep as much as I could because we arrived on the Sunday morning and it is always important to get used to the local timetable as soon as possible.

We are finding it hotter and more humid than on previous occasions but well, nothing out of the ordinary considering the weather that we usually experience here.
I took advantage of the Sunday to relax and get my strength back after the trip.
This morning I went to the circuit with the team and we looked at our schedule of tests.
To see how we are going to get the most out of these three days of practice.
I will shortly go to bed because tomorrow will be a hard day, I´ll do a lot of work with the team.
We will begin around 10am and carry on until 6pm, so I hope that I can sleep all the way through the night and be as rested as possible and so be able to put in a good shift.
I really can`t wait to get back on my bike! Next week I will be able to tell you how the tests in Sepang went.
From Casey Stoner:After a wonderful week at home with Adri and Ally, I’ve just arrived back in Sepang for the second test.
It’s been a wonderful week, Ally is feeding and sleeping well and without wanting to tempt fate, it seems we have a perfect child at the moment! Both Adri and I have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves this week, getting to know our little girl and sharing little things with her, such as her first experience of hiccups!Besides baby time, I’ve also spent some time with my trainer working on various things.
My friends at GoPro sent me some belated Christmas presents and I had a chance to rig up the cameras to my bike, and on my helmet! The quality of them is amazing, I can’t wait to get them on the go-karts in the Summer!Anyway, early yesterday morning I was heading to the airport to fly back out here to Sepang for the second test.
The first test went very well for us and I’m looking forward to getting back to work with my team.
I’ll spend most of today at the track and then I’ll go into Kuala Lumpur to do a little shopping, maybe pick up something for my girls and try to stay awake to get on the time zone to be 100% for the first day of testing tomorrow.
Along with this blog, I’ve finally caved in and have decided to open a Twitter account… Don’t expect too many Tweets but I’ll try to keep you updated.
You can follow me on @Official_CS27.
Have a great week wherever you are, and see you next week!

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