Cartoon by Martyn Turner

Dear Editor,

Inherent to our democracy is the freedom of artistic expression and this vital element of free speech permits political satirists, like Mr. Turner, to convey their messages. While these messages may not sit well with everyone, we should nonetheless appreciate our ability to express them in a society that upholds the privileges of a free press and the right to counter-argue.

Mr. Turner’s cartoon from 21st September can be liberally interpreted as a witty play of words with intentions for peace. However, there is scope for different interpretations as well.

Many, including myself, were profoundly unsettled by some of the imagery used in the cartoon– a depiction of an Israeli soldier bearing an anti-Semitic representation of a Jewish individual following the typical merchant stereotype.

Further, the usage of the yellow star was deeply disgracing, given its historical implications, and is a highly distressing symbol to the Jewish community.

This particular cartoon, I feel, did not meet the test.

There needs to be a learning here to guide future depictions of this incredibly complex conflict. This can be achieved by looking at it with a broader and more clear-sighted perspective.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Ed Abrahamson, London.

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