Carla Bruni’s ugly photo

Former Italian supermodel and now French first lady Carla Bruni is known as one of the most sophisticated high profile ladies in the world.
In fact, she has had to wear the title of ‘trophy wife’ more than once by Sarkozy detractors.
But this photo is one of those moments when all of us normal women in the world who don’t have access to high class stylists and the best of the beauty business can breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, we can gloat, dammit.
That gloating is at the expense of this very unfortunate up-close shot of Carla Bruni.
We’re not sure exactly what happened to produce a photo of this kind (too much botox is the word on the street), but it could have started with the use of excessive makeup the morning it was taken, and seeing it you can understand how Sarkozy might want to swap his trophy wife for Chantal Jouanno.
Relieved gloating aside, we publish this photo just in case you needed proof that the beautiful people of the world are very normal people, too.

And that I might not live eternally with the shame of the plenty of ugly and embarrassing photos my parents keep of me – may they always stay buried in that cardboard box!
