Career Discussions at Higher Options: Focusing on Technology

“High Choices career discussions: spanning from the field of architecture to zoology”

There’s no compulsory need to have a university degree to secure a position in the tech industry, as confirmed by seasoned professionals in the sector. Jobs in the tech field are available to a wide variety of individuals with diversified skills, explains Paul Collins, the Regional Security Officer at Elavon, a global company specializing in card transaction processing.

He notes that having an arsenal of digital experts isn’t the sole need in the industry. Teams also require individuals with interpersonal skills, organisational competency, and substantial administrative abilities. Collins has seen many colleagues in the tech sector who have come from non-technical backgrounds.

He explained, “It’s not an unwritten rule that you must begin, like how I did, with teenage home programming. It’s not usual. Many people start their tech careers from different angles.”


Collins stressed that individuals with non-programming backgrounds bring new viewpoints that traditionally educated employees might not offer. He mentioned a shift away from demanding formal educational qualifications in the sector. Previously, having a degree was considered the ultimate achievement, yet businesses have lately been compelled to think more innovatively about recruitment, prioritising practical experience above qualifications.

The tech industry continues to evolve, with new jobs and sectors opening up every year, offering abundant opportunities to budding learners.


The technology sector also offers diverse pathways to those uninterested in pursuing academic study, with programming apprenticeships giving an alternative route into the industry, explains Edel Hesnan from Fastrack into IT.

She added, “Some may prefer a more hands-on learning experience, while others are looking for a career transition into tech. Moreover, various initiatives are making concerted efforts to motivate more women to join tech.”

People with neurodiverse conditions also have fantastic career prospects in the tech space, according to Daniel Browne, the founder of Autistic Spectrum IT/Cybersecurity Recruitment Initiative. He highlighted that the tech industry is considerably accessible in the current era.

The interviews were conducted in 2021.

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