Career discussions at Higher Options: focusing on farming

Explore our assortment of Higher Options career talks, spanning from architecture right through to zoology. Gerry Looby, who is snuggled in the role of strategy and development manager at UCD confidently voices, “The future is indeed promising for anyone studying agriculture.”

According to Looby, agriculture studies offer a varied educational programme leading to a myriad of career opportunities, something he himself experienced when he pivoted into the technology and consulting sectors post his agricultural studies.

Looby addresses the fear of sustainability in this sector amidst the global trend of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, he emphasises that such changes can give rise to different career avenues. “Modifications in production techniques will dictate most of the changes in the field; hence, being well-versed with the scientific aspects of agriculture could provide students with a robust foundation to develop their career in the industry,” he states.

When quizzed about the essential attributes a prospective student needs to possess, he highlighted curiosity as the paramount trait, “The ability to ask questions is indicative of an enquiring mind which is of paramount importance,” Looby said. He reassures those perturbed about their scientific abilities that the majority of degree programmes are designed to gradually elevate students’ comfort and proficiency levels, particularly during the initial couple of years, thereby preparing them better to face the final challenging years of courses.

Looby also informs students that the CAO isn’t the only gateway into an agricultural career; Fetac/Post-Leaving Cert courses are worth considering. “A Fetac science-based course can potentially enable you to further progress and enrol into university courses. Open access at institutions like UCD is another alternative, where you can pursue individual modules and based on your performance, you can potentially progress to higher grades,” he suggests.

This interview was conducted in the year 2022.

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