Career Discussions at Higher Options: Focusing on Architecture

If you are considering a career, then these Higher Options career discussions could be insightful, covering a wide variety of fields from architecture to zoology. Architecture permeates every facet of our lives, influencing the residential structures we occupy, business buildings we work within and the city landscapes we frequent. It necessitates that architects have a comprehensive skill set encompassing creativity, vision, technical prowess, organisational strength, and social expertise.

But how can you be sure this is the right path for you? What does the job market look like? And what is the most rewarding part of the work?

For Joe Stokes, a director at McCullough Mulvin architecture firm, nothing compares to the satisfaction of seeing a finished building and witnessing people derive pleasure from the spaces. His portfolio, spanning from art galleries and museums to residential properties and schools, underscores the diversity this industry presents in day-to-day tasks.

According to Stokes, a regular day might involve pitching to a client in the morning, having a meeting with a lighting expert, and visiting a site later in the day. He pointed out that the profession can also provide opportunities for travel, both internationally and within your local area.

If you’re pondering whether to pursue architecture, Stokes recommends having an interest in subjects such as physics and technical graphics as they can be useful in this field, along with a love for activities like drawing and art.

He urges those with a love for design to consider architecture, as this passion will sustain you through your college years. If your interests extend to technology or managing people or processes, it could also be an excellent fit for you. As Stokes emphatically states, effective communication is also indispensable in this line of work.

The way Stokes, as an architect, related to art was different from his peers. He described himself as being more precise and systematically inclined when it came to expressing his creativity, in contrast to others who exhibited a more unrestrained approach.

When queried about his favourite aspect of being an architect, the Dublin-based professional asserted that he takes pleasure in designing and crafting environments that people can enjoy every day. Given the significant amount of time we spend in buildings, Stokes believes the quality of these structures must be top-notch. While we may not always be conscious of our surroundings, he contends that they can significantly affect our daily lives.

The interview took place in 2021.

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