“Car Insurer Disappointment After Incident?”

A recent recount by a Pricewatch reader, Claire, highlights how her insurance provider settled a claim in the aftermath of a minor vehicular event, which resulted in trivial damage to the vehicle of the other party, an acquaintance of Claire. While an agreement was reached between both parties for €260 to address the scrape caused by Claire, the other driver also demanded a new child’s car seat as part of the claim. In response to this, Claire promptly informed her insurer of the circumstances, emphasising, based on guidance from the Road Safety Authority, that the replacement of the car seat was unnecessary. Nonetheless, her insurer proceeded to release €1,602.13 to the other driver. Consequently, Claire will lose her no-claims bonus, and her insurance categorically will increase due to this unfortunate chain of events.

We’re curious to know if you’ve been part of a minor road event and your interaction with your car insurance provider following that event. Did you get the feeling that your insurer acted unjustly or failed to thoroughly investigate the situation? Did it seem like your insurer disregarded your interests as a customer? Do you feel that your insurance company made a hefty payout to conclude the claim? Were your yearly premiums affected?

Kindly share your thoughts using the form provided below. Please limit your input to no more than 400 words. To verify your submission, please include a contact number. If you wish to be anonymous, kindly mention this in your submission; your name and contact info will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

For a forthcoming article, we will compile a range of submissions, keeping in mind that not all submissions may necessarily be published.
