Cal Crutchlow recovering from shoulder surgery

Shoulder injuries are almost always worse than anyone expects as both Valentino Rossi and Cal Crutchlow have recently found out.
Yamaha Tech3’s new rookie who underwent surgery last week in Manchester, revealed through his Twitter page, that the tendon and ligament damage to his shoulder was much worse than expected and that they also found arthritis (Crutchlow is just 25).

“Back home now after my shoulder operation with Professor Len Funk ! Alot worse than expected, fixed tendon back on but found i have arthritis in it but that shouldnt effect until some years we hope! Same recovery and hope to test Sepang Feb1 .
!” Crutchlow first damaged the shoulder during his World Superbike R1 debut at Portimao, but expects to help shorten his expected 90 day recovery phase by undergoing hyperbaric therapy, which has become the latest medical rage lately for all injured racers, from Rossi to Randy De Puniet, to Jonathan Rea and James Toseland.

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