Cadwell Park’s Mountain: where bikes dare (video)

There are two famous ‘Mountains’ with the capital M in motorcycle racing: one of them is the famous Mountain section of the Isle of Man’s Tourist Trophy course, the other one is the Mountain of Cadwell Park, a motor racing circuit in Lincolnshire, England.
Even if you are not into British Superbikes, if you have seen Cadwell Park’s Mountain by chance you surely remember it, there’s no two ways around it.

If you are not familiar with it, here’s your chance to make up for it.
The Mountain of Cadwell Park is a natural hump covered in tarmac that riders have to face while speeding out of a tight left-right ‘S’, and it’s where bikes for a while can become airborne by up to several feet, for the delight of photographers and fans alike.
The video above is a breathtaking compilation of slow-mo clips featuring comments – among others – from BSB stars a Joshua Brooks and Shane Byrne.
The footage is indeed pretty amazing, and we are 100% sure that even if you already know the Mountain of Cadwell Park very well, you won’t miss the chance to check this out anyway.

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