Buying a new bike? In India you’ve got to get a helmet, too

New bike owners in India will be forced to purchase a new helmet along with their motorcycle after an Indian Supreme Court mandate.
Any motorcyclist purchasing a new bike will have to purchase a helmet along with it, as part of the basic equipment.
And not only that: if riders don’t buy the helmet, they risk having their motorcycle registration revoked.

The Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers is protesting the decision, saying it restricts the rights of bikers to choose their own helmets and that the new law conflicts with a previous “helmet per person” law (and not, therefore a “helmet per vehicle” law).
The law is based on the premise that if you can afford a new bike, then you can afford a helmet to go with it.
While costs will obviously be turned to consumers, we would expect an upside for manufacturers to be new partnerships, and therefore new marketing opportunities, between bike manufacturers and motorcycle gear brands in the Indian market.

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