Budget Risks Elderly, Disabled Poverty

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has underlined the potential repercussions of Budget 2025, suggesting an anticipated rise in poverty among elderly and disabled populations. This is due to the Government’s decision to cut down on home energy benefits and place a freeze on other allowances in relation to inflation. Despite an increase in child benefits, child poverty rates are predicted to remain steady, yet high.

The ESRI sees the recent budget announcement as a loss of an opportunity to alleviate poverty among large numbers of children across the Republic. While the institute acknowledges the budget’s overall progressive nature, it expects it to disproportionately impact the elderly and the disabled – two groups already at high risk of financial deprivation.

The institute’s budget review highlighted that the reduction in energy credits and the freezing of benefits like the fuel allowance and alone living allowance will disproportionately affect these two groups. Dr Claire Keane, ESRI associate research professor, suggested that these measures could give rise to higher poverty rates among those of retirement age and individuals living with disabilities.

Meanwhile, other news reports indicate record-breaking revenue figures for the League of Ireland but this is overshadowed by increasing club losses attributed to flawed business models. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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