Broadcasting directly from the parking area

Dear Editor,

The introduction of live reporting in modern news broadcasting, offering immediate and on-the-spot coverage of ongoing events, has marked a significant leap forward. However, it appears that Ireland’s National Television and Radio Broadcaster, RTÉ, has taken this technological advancement to an illogical extreme. The sight of a news anchor interviewing a colleague, who is located only a few feet away in the station’s car park, with a satellite camera setup seems ludicrous. The reason they avoid a simple desk conversation is not wholly understood.

Interestingly, with regard to recent efforts to reduce the station’s expenses, perhaps a budget cut could indeed be incorporated into the live reports. A querying of news through the old-school tin-can telephone method might retain the thrilling aspect of the immediate coverage, but in a more cost-effective manner.

Yours Sincerely,
Brian O’Brien,
County Cork.

Written by Staff

Devoting excessive hours to digital displays

“A perilous descent”