Brivio vs Romagnoli Video

Double interview with Fiat Yamaha team managers Davide Brivio and Daniele Romagnoli.
Strange video, questions in english and answers in Italian.
Q: What’s your best memory of 2008?Brivio: The race at Laguna Seca.
No doubt.
Romagnoli: Estoril, the first time Jorge won and the first time I went on the podium with him.

Q: And your worst?Romagnoli: Jorge’s fall during the practice in Barcelona, and the first race I saw myself on TV.
Brivio: Assen.
The first lap, when Valentino fell.
Q: Your championship top 3 for 2009 in MotoGP?Romagnoli: Valentino Rossi, Jorge Lorenzo and Casey Stoner.
Brivio: Rossi, Stoner, Lorenzo.
I hope.
Q: Who will be the biggest threat to your rider in 2009?Romagnoli: Valentino Rossi.
Brivio: I think Stoner, who declared he’ll be more aggressive.
Q: Describe your rider in three words.
Brivio: Entertaining, loyal, very motivated.
Romagnoli: Determined, aggressive and never satisfied.
Q: Name the rider from the past with whom you’d most like to have worked?Brivio: Wayne Rainey.
Romagnoli: Freddie Spencer.
Q: If you had to pick up a different sport to work in, what would it be?Romagnoli: Formula 1.

Brivio: Rally.
Q: Who’s your favourite non motorcycle sportsperson?Brivio: Maldini, because at the age of 40 he’s still at the top.
Romagnoli: Michael Schumacher.
Q: If you could change one rule in MotoGP, what would it be?Daniele Romagnoli: One less winter test.
Davide Brivio: The rule about changing of motorbike in the case of rain.
Q: If you could have been a professional sportsman, you would have been a?Brivio: Rally navigator or driver.
Romagnoli: Valentino Rossi.
Q: The best thing about Yamaha M1?Brivio: It’s easy to handle.
Romagnoli: Its agility.
Q: The best thing about working for Yamaha?Romagnoli: The people who work there.
Brivio: The respect between the people who work there.
Q: If you could choose one new country to race in with MotoGP, it would be?Brivio: I’d go to South Africa again.
Romagnoli: I’d go to Brazil again.
Q: What would you like to be doing in five years time?Romagnoli: The way things are at present, I’d hope to be still in MotoGP.
Brivio: I hope to be in a new challenge, maybe a new sport.
It could be the America’s Cup, or rally or start something again from scratch.
Q: One new thing you would like to learn to do?Brivio: Sailing.
Romagnoli: Airplane pilot.
Q: Favorite Yamaha production bike?Romagnoli: T-Max.
Brivio: T-Max, I always use one.
Q: Favorite FIAT car?Brivio: Croma.
Romagnoli: FIAT Punto Abarth.
Q: One famous person you would like to meet this year.
Romagnoli: Angus Young, the guitar player for AC/DC.
Brivio: Mourinho, I’d ask him a lot of questions.
Q: Finally, please give a message to Daniele.
Brivio: Daniele, try to keep your rider calm, the most important thing is not to fall.
There’ll be a time for winning, he doesn’t need to do it now!Romagnoli: Don’t sleep too well!

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