Brexit timeline: key dates in the saga of the UK’s divorce from the EU

The UK passed its vote to leave the EU back in 2016. Nearly 4 years later, the UK has finally left. We present a Brexit timeline of how it all unfurled.

After almost 4 years of political uncertainty, the UK has finally managed to get Brexit done and leave the European Union. Today, we look back at this saga and the events that have unfolded since the Brexit vote back in 2016 with a timeline.

Brexit Timeline:

All the main events leading up to the UK leaving the European union.

23 June, 2016 – the UK votes to leave

Despite previous polls, the Leave campaign wins marginally with 51.9% votes. The UK PM, David Cameron, resigns the following day.

13 July, 2016 – Theresa May becomes PM

Theresa May becomes the new PM of the UK with the newfound responsibility of getting Brexit done while continuing to provide economic growth for the nation.

29 March, 2017 – Countdown begins

Theresa May triggers Article 50 to begin the official, two-year countdown for Brexit.

8 June, 2017 – General election

In a snap election, Theresa May loses her majority in parliament. She is forced to make a deal with the DUP to stay in office.

8 December, 2017 – Divorce bill

The UK and the EU agree the so-called ‘divorce bill’ containing the Northern Ireland backstop.

15 January and 12 March, 2019 – PM loses in parliament

Theresa May fails to pass her Brexit deal. She suffers the heaviest parliamentary defeat in modern history, 432 votes to 202.

12 April, 2019 – Extended deadline

Brexit deadline is pushed back to the 31st October 2019 following the PM’s failure to pass her deal. Speculation on whether the EU would give the UK more time come October.

7 June, 2019 – May resigns

Theresa May pays the price for her failure to get Brexit done and sets a resignation date for her departure.

24 July, 2019 – PM Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson becomes the Prime Minister, filling his campaign with the promise to get Brexit done. Subsequently he fills his cabinet with loyal brexiteers and appoints Dominic Cummings as senior advisor.

19 October, 2019 – Another Brexit impasse

Boris Johnson fails to pass his deal in the commons and is forced to ask for another extension.

12 December, 2019 – General Election

Another general election, but this time Boris Johnson wins with an overwhelming majority. The conservative party wins seats that have been held by labour for the last 100 years.

31 January, 2020 – UK finally leaves

Finally, the UK fulfils the vote held in 2016 and officially leaves the bloc at 11 PM.

Tag: Brexit