Brett McCormick injury update

Effenbert Liberty World Superbike team has yet to release any further news regarding Brett McCormick’s conditions following what turned out to be a terrible and injury packed crash during Race 2 at Assen, but his father Grant on McCormick’s personal website posted this message for all the racing fans who are worried about the Canadian rider, especially regarding his cervical fractures,Thanks for all the well wishes everybody!Brett is sleeping comfortably and will be assesed tomorrow, to see if surgery is necessay to stabilize his C5.

Other than that a broken thumb and assorted bruises etc (two black eyes).
He was lucky and will be making a full and speedy recovery.
I would like to thank Shoei and Alpinestars for doing an awesome job and keeping this from being much worse.
Have to add how unbelievably supportive the Effenbert-Liberty team has been, feels like family.
The best.
And a huge thank you to all the track side & medical centre staff for their time & attention to Brett following his crash.
Further update, always from McCormick’s website Monday, April 23, 2012We are still at Assen hospital, but Brett will be able to transport in a day or two.

We will then travel to Italy and/or home to Canada.
If Brett requires surgery it will be at that time.
He’s in good spirits and Lucca (engineer) is with us.
Thanks again for all the positive support!Brett really appreciates it!!!Grant.

Written by Unit

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