“Bord Pleanála Rethinks 463 Leopardstown Homes Application”

An Bord Pleanála is set to reassess an application proposing the construction of 463 residences in Leopardstown, Dublin. This comes as a result of the High Court’s successful challenges towards the original approval. Justice David Holland learned on Monday that the board accepted its decision was defective and concurred with an order to nullify the April 2022 planning permission for a residential project and childcare facility at St Joseph’s House, near Brewery Road, that spans 6.77 acres.

Leopardstown Action Group and environmentalist John Conway of Dundalk, Co Louth had separately lodged cases against the board. All parties involved consented that the planning application should return to the board for a legal reassessment. It was also agreed upon that the board would cover the claimants’ legal fees.

The project, which is under developers Homeland Group’s subsidiary Sliverpines Limited, initially acquired expedited permission through the now-terminated Strategic Housing Development scheme. The development plan comprises six apartment structures each with a maximum of 10 floors. The project promises a blend of one, two, and three-bedroom properties.

In the High Court, the locals were represented by barrister John Kenny and FP Logue Solicitors, while John Conway was represented by Stephen Dodd SC and BKC Solicitors. They individually claimed that An Bord Pleanála committed legal blunders which voided its planning verdict. The developer’s legal representation was McCann Fitzgerald, who were given notice of the cases.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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