BMW and Mercedes farewell the super-diesel V8?

We’re curious to know how the news was received around the Ingolstadt traps.
Auto, motor und sport has announced today that if the news is true (and it comes from a reputable source) Audi’s rivals will be in a league of their own.
And this after Audi has only just revealed the new 6.

0 V12 TDI, soon to be under the hood of the SUV Q7.
Audi risks portraying an image inconsistent with the “ecology” with which car companies have become obssessed over recent years.
Neither the 4.
4 V8 BMW nor the 4.
0 V8 Mercedes will have heirs, being considered too big and polluting, according to the German companies.
The units will be substituted with new six cylinder concepts, characterised by lower capabilities (around three litres) and drastically reduced consumption and CO2 emissions.
The 4.
4 V8 will be substituted by a straight-six cylinder twin-turbo”, Norbert Reithofer, General Manager BMW has revealed, underlining that they haven’t changed their tune for the current range.
A similar discussion regards Mercedes, who in addition to exchanging the V8 will also gradually substitute the 3.
0 V6 CDI with a 2.

1 four cylinder twin-turbo.
This engine is expected to debut next year on the C250 CDI in a version that will have both 204 hp and 480 Nm.
Following will be versions taking a step further for higher power.

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