Bit 2009, the largest international Travel Show, opens in Milan

This year the international travel show Bit 2009 (International Tourism Exchange) will take place at the Fieramilano in Rho from 19 to 22 February.
As many of you know this extraordinary exhibition will be dedicated to highlightning the best travel deals in Italy and all around the world and will also try to tackle such an important subject as Globalization and Tourism; more than 155,000 people (members of the tourism trade and professional visitors) are expected to take part in this international event.

The exhibition will be divided into several sections such as Italy; The World; Tourism Collection; Certicitbit and Bit Technology; all offering a wide range of travel opportunities.
For more information please click here.
Opening hours for traders 8:30 – 18:30; opening hours for visitors 9:00-18:30

Written by Unit

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