Bikes vs cars: from sex appeal to road rash

The age-old war of four wheels vs two was taken up again with a guest post from Paul Crowe at the Kneeslider, over on car blog Jalopnik (which is also the day job of Wes Siler from Hell from Leather, as an aside).
If you’re a petrol head, you’ll pretty much appreciate anything that’s mechanic and that goes fast, but eventually you’ll have to pick: the motorcycle or the car.

Crowe points out everything from maximising space and fuel efficiency, to performance, tuning, price, safer riders and as a cute ending, the fact that no motorcycle has so far ever been recalled for accidental acceleration.
The comments clearly fill in the other side of the coin, citing weather problems, trips to the hardware store, road rash, and all sorts of more intimate reasons to do with the nether regions of the body (backseats and vibrations being pros and cons).
See ‘Ten reasons motorcycles are better than cars’ at Jalopnik.
Photo Flickr

Written by Unit

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