Government launch Fix your bike scheme
Government offers a £50 bike voucher to encourage people to get on their bikes and lose weight.
The Government launched a new campaign to tackle obesity in the UK, encouraging people to cycle through £50 vouchers to fix your bike.
The focus of Downing Street is easing the work of the NHS in case of a second surge of coronavirus in the country. The Government has taken several measures to fight obesity, as the ban on junk food ads on TV before 9pm and on some promotions on crisps and chocolates. The campaign focuses on getting people on their bikes, in order to encourage outdoor healthy habits. The Government offers £50 bike vouchers to help towards the cost of fixing your bike, the application is online.
The vouchers are available online from the Fix Your Bike Scheme website. Once applied, you can take your bike to a bike shop to fix it, using the voucher to cover the exact amount or part of the cost. There is a limit of two vouchers per household and you might want to check on the website if the bike shop you are thinking of is participating in the scheme. The Prime Minister has highlighted the importance of losing some weight:
“What we’re doing now with our Better Health Strategy is just trying to help people a little bit to bring their weight down. Not in an excessively bossy or nannying way, I hope.” “We want to be sympathetic to people, to understand the difficulties that people face with their weight, the struggles that many people face to lose weight, and just to be helpful”.
The Government is encouraging more cycling in the UK through a £2bn cycling strategy. The PM posted: “Cycling and walking have a huge role in tackling some of the health and environmental challenges that we face”.