“Biden’s Frequent Lapses Raise Concerns”

In the weeks leading up to his debate stage appearance in Atlanta, which proved to be a political low point, US president Joe Biden seemed to his colleagues to be increasingly prone to confusion and lapses in memory. Those who interacted with the 81-year-old behind the scenes noted his increasing tendency to lose focus or thread of his conversations.

As with many in his age bracket, Biden has been observed, from time to time, stumbling over sentences, forgetting names or mixing up details. However, recently those in his immediate circle have express increased concern, flagging that these instances are occurring with more frequency and seem to be getting worse.

These episodes of disorientation are not consistently predictable, but they seem to crop up more frequently when the president is fatigued or amid a large congregation of people. In the 23 days before his face-off with Donald Trump, Biden flew across the Atlantic Ocean twice to meet foreign leaders, travelled to California from Italy for an elaborate fundraiser, sustaining a frenetic pace that tired even his younger staff. Owing to the exhaustion brought on by these sequential Europe trips, his team decided to shorten his debate prep-time by two days, so he could recuperate at his Delaware home in Rehoboth Beach, prior to proceeding to Camp David for rehearsals.

Detailing the debate preparation process, an insider indicates that the practice sessions, which spanned six days, kicked off no earlier than 11am, and naptimes were scheduled for Biden in the afternoons. White House spokesperson, Andrew Bates, pointed out on Tuesday, that Biden started working well before the debate practicing began, post exercise. At a fundraiser on Tuesday evening, Biden attributed his debate performance to jet lag.

Biden’s instances of apparent confusion have been mounting concern amongst his advisors and supporters. For example, during the D-Day anniversary ceremony in France on June 6th, he appeared confused. He incorrectly stated the objective of a new military aid packet to Ukraine while meeting their President the following day. On June 10th, during an early Juneteenth holiday celebration, he seemed to stall. Similarly, on June 18th, his difficulty in recalling the name of his homeland security secretary, Alejandro N Mayorkas, at an immigration event, visibly alarmed those around him, leaving some self-described as “shaken up”, despite his recovery.

Joe Biden, the US President, is known for his careful and engaged approach in matters related to national security, according to descriptions offered by his domestic policy advisor, Neera Tanden, as well as current and former White House aides, administration officials, foreign officials and other groups. Tanden describes Biden as inquisitive and sharp-minded, with a knack for asking questions that relate to the concerns of everyday people. It’s evident to her that he holds an acute focus on understanding how the impacts of various decisions weigh in on the average individual.

Eyewitness accounts from inside the Situation Room paint the President as a decisive leader. This was the case when Iran launched several missiles and drones directed at Israel. In a telephonic interaction with Israel’s Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, Biden stressed upon the necessity of avoiding escalating retaliation that had potential to destabilize the Middle East. Despite resistance from Netanyahu, Biden remained adamant, expressing that Israel would be isolated should it pursue aggressive retaliation.

The description of Biden’s robust approach doesn’t necessarily align with all his appearances, especially in the aftermath of what has been termed as a ‘debate debacle’. Despite this incident, those who encounter Biden, such as his aides and foreign officials, reassured that he remains alert, capable, and coherent in conducting complex and crucial discussions and handling volatile crises.

Biden’s physical health has also been commented on, with his personal physician, Kevin C O’ Connor, affirming his good health despite minor complaints such as sleep apnea and peripheral neuropathy in his feet. The incident during the debate is deemed as an irregularity, as White House officials continue to assure that Biden is in suitable shape for fulfilling his presidential duties.

Numerous testimonies corroborate the noticeable change in Biden’s behaviour and demeanor today compared to his state at the start of his term three and a half years ago, which is also apparent in various video footage and interviews. Notably, the White House routinely publishes revised versions of his speeches due to his frequent mistakes related to the misnaming of people, locations, and dates. An example of such a blunder was evident in his recent mix up of France and Italy at an East Hampton event dedicated to war veterans, which happened post-debate.

These occurrences, particularly a recent debate, have led to concerns about a quicker deterioration of Biden’s capacity. His performance at the debate took off guard even some of his advisers and present and past administration officials, who interact regularly with him, even if not on a daily or weekly basis.

Douglas Brinkley, a scholar of presidential history, thinks the noticeable decline of Biden is not confined to those present at White House meetings. He hinted at a strategic attempt by the White House to showcase only the parts of Biden they wish the public to see, even though the President is still capable of traveling extensively around the country.

His recent European tours have shown both impressive clarity in high-stakes meetings, including an intricate discussion about redirecting Russian funds to support Ukraine, and instances of evident confusion.

There has also been a noticeable deterioration in Trump, now 78, in recent years. Trump mixes up names and facts and makes disjointed statements. His public activities are less frequent compared to Biden, he avoids physical activity and has exhibited signs of falling asleep during his recent hush money trial. Trump’s campaign published only a brief three-paragraph health report which led to voters expressing concern, although not as extensively as for Biden.

Recent discussions on Biden hint at an evidently stressed President who is dealing with uneasy international partners, a persistent ally whose continued conflict with Hamas is posing another threat to his second term, and a personal crisis involving his son’s criminal conviction that could lead to imprisonment.

The narrative around Biden’s presidency is inevitably incomplete due to the restrictions imposed by the White House on his interactions with the press. As it stands, Biden has provided fewer interviews and press conferences than any recent President, including Reagan, as highlighted by renowned presidential communication scholar, Martha Kumar.

Biden’s impromptu interactions with journalists have not always ended well. A case in point is February when he vehemently defended himself against allegations of mishandling classified documents made by special counsel Robert K Hur, who labelled the President as a ‘forgetful elderly man’. In his passionate response, Biden erroneously referred to President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi of Egypt as the ‘Mexican President.’

The 23 days leading up to the televised encounter between Trump and Biden in Atlanta could be viewed by historians as pivotal to his presidency.

Biden’s European trips were marked by moments of incisiveness, such as the complex session on redirecting Russia’s assets to support Ukraine. However, there were times when Biden appeared bewildered, particularly when he met veterans in Normandy and also during a quiet conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, where he incorrectly stated new aid was going to restore Ukraine’s electricity grid.

Yet, when delivering his D-Day speech, Biden found his rhythm, delivering his lines with clarity and determination. This reflects a pattern where the President often rises to the occasion, much like his State of the Union address earlier. Once he hits his stride in a speech, he seems to be invigorated by the adrenaline.

In the aftermath of his several days’ visit to France, President Biden briefly returned home to address his son’s conviction, a family crisis. As a mark of the Juneteenth holiday, he hosted a concert where he was noted standing rigidly during a musical act. According to an onlooker near to him, the President’s countenance was mostly “bewildered and puzzled”, leading to remarks about his “sharp decline” since a meeting held merely a few weeks prior.

With only a short stint at home, Biden was off again, this time to Italy for a summit with G7 leaders. Those in attendance noticed a recurring pattern in his behaviour.

In the aftermath of the debate, Biden has made attempts to debunk the notion that his struggle with clear articulation during that time is indicative of a more significant issue. He delivered a vigorous oration at a political rally the next day and showed up at a number of fundraisers, hoping to ease the concerns of apprehensive donors.

“He delivered a powerful oration without faltering, mumbling or seeming befuddled in any manner,” commented Judith Hope, the ex-head of the New York State Democratic Party, who was present at a fundraiser in East Hampton on Saturday. “He was just as we know him – ‘good old Uncle Joe.'”

This narrative was first published in The New York Times.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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