Biden’s Choice: Defeat or Triumphantly Exit

Biden’s family and close associates will be hoping that his Friday night ABC television interview was not a disaster. Regardless of whether the show receives high ratings, or if Biden pulls off his portrayal of ‘Scranton Joe’ the honest and charismatic character, cannot amend the reality that ranges from distressing to ludicrous.

On the day before, President Biden delivered a concise speech on July 4th, applauding American troops on television. Halfway through his two-minute talk, he imparted energy and strength while quoting the Declaration of Independence. Yet, he drifted off the teleprompter’s script, a move that seems to alarm his handlers.

Biden commented, “By the way, I’ve been in various parts of the world…I’ve faced battlefields.” After an uncomfortable silence, he added, “Anyway, you guys are amazing.” He then recovered and concluded his speech with a hearty “God bless”.

Jill Biden, the First Lady, stood by his side adopting a stern expression. She held onto her husband’s presidential cap as he breezed by her to engage in selfies with the audience. Whilst not completely awry, his performance exposed mental fragility that was noticeable during his debate performance in Atlanta, and this ignited doubts about his continuation in the election race.

Meanwhile, as concerns surrounding Biden’s health flooded the nation’s conversations, his rival was engaging in a round of golf. A brief piece of video footage showed Trump in his golf cart reflecting on Biden’s condition. “He’s a worn-out, worthless piece of junk,” he stated.

National surveys reflect a potential devastating deficit for Biden, hinting at his decline in the race. “He basically gave up, you know. He is withdrawing from the race. I made him drop out of the race. Now we are left with Kamala. She’s so pitiful,” Trump added.

Witnessing one individual express derision and disdain towards another, particularly when it’s aimed at a candidate for presidency, was unsettling. Uncertainty looms as to whether Trump was aware his statements were being captured, yet he elected to post the clip to his social media platform soon afterwards. This post-debate incident was the only response he has given since the interaction on the Atlanta stage. Some speculate that Trump was taken aback as he watched the decline of his political adversary, who had dethroned him from the White House four years prior. Yet, when the Democratic Party plunged into chaos, Trump maintained his silence.

[ It appears Joe Biden’s noticeable slip-ups are becoming more severe and increasingly concerning ]

Within the Democratic Party, there’s a clash of perspectives. Some attribute Biden’s disastrous performance to exhaustion from travel and a minor illness. Conversely, others think it revealed a disturbing truth: that the US president has been managed and manipulated by the White House for well over a year and his debate collapse was an accurate representation of his current condition. This dilemma leaves the party in a desperate situation. Current surveys suggest Biden is spiralling towards a potentially disastrous downfall. Despite this, he reassured donors at a confidential gathering in New Jersey that he isn’t going anywhere. He is the elected candidate, backed by all delegates. The Biden-Harris campaign also has $240 million (€222 million) pledged funding backing them up. Further complicating matters is Biden’s self-perception as the quintessential American humouring the fact that he isn’t one for yielding.

Lloyd Doggett, a seasoned congressman of 77 years and a rare gem as a liberal Democrat from central Texas, broke away from the crowd in expressing his wish for Biden’s resignation, doing so with evident remorse. Doggett conceded that his seniority affords him a level of liberty to speak candidly on such issues, which his younger, politically susceptible peers may not enjoy.

Doggett expressed to Jake Tapper, in his distinct Texas charma, that President Biden had pledged to serve as a “bridge figure”.

[ The Democratic Party must unearth a substitute to the Biden-Harris duo ]

In the original text, the implication is that just as Lyndon Johnson prioritised the nation over personal gains, the same is expected of the current incumbent, Joe Biden. Irrespective of the advice from staff and kin, it is anticipated he will acknowledge the enormity of challenges he faces, too much to overcome, and subsequently make way for someone else. A move that will command significant approval from those who cherish his past achievements and align with his goals of safeguarding democratic values. His deliberate retreat could potentially prove the most effective method to achieve these ends.

Joe Biden now stands before a consequential decision. He could persist, oblivious or indifferent, offering the American constituency the waning beacon of a colossal political career, thereby risking leading the Democratic Party into a catastrophic defeat. Alternatively, he could seize the opportunity to courageously step down on his terms, a gesture that would be remembered by history as an honourable personal concession. His exit would pave the way for a younger party member to pick up and advance the ideological battle against Donald Trump, something he himself is no longer capable of. This crucial choice may define his tenure in office.
