Bicycle Storage at Leinster House

Dear Sir,

Regarding Ken Foxe’s “A €336,000 bike shelter: Breaking the cycle of overspending on public projects” (Politics, Analysis, 7th September), I am flabbergasted by the wasteful misuse of national funds on the Leinster House cycle storage facility. I worry that our rulers are merely waiting for public indignation to subside so they can quietly ignore the issue.

With our “fresh leadership” Taoiseach in place, it would be wise for him to thoroughly scrutinise whatever led to failure in this minor venture. That could reassure our taxpayers that such reckless extravagance will not be reproduced in future public mega-projects.

Meanwhile, our readers are justly irritated about the massive amount Leinster House’s bike shed cost, but let’s approach things positively.
If our TDs and Senators based in Dublin opt for bicycles over cars for their commute, then there’s no longer a need for their annual €9,000 (TDs) and €5,250 (Senators) travelling allowances.

Taking this innovative thinking further, why not levy a small fee to users of this modern marvel of a shed for their cherished bicycles?

Additionally, as tourists are permitted to see parts of the Leinster House property, could a minimal charge be levied for a glimpse of the new cycle shed as well? Should a visitor want to snap a selfie with our bicycling politicians at the shed, a modest additional fee could be charged.

Thus, with some inventive thought, we could recover these enormous costs.

Lastly, on reflection, those infamous RTÉ flip-flops now seem rather compliant with financial prudence.

Yours faithfully,

Enid O’Dowd, Ranelagh, Dublin 6. Ailbhe Murray, Cabinteely, Dublin 18. Jim Long, Bandon, Co Cork.
