Best gossip from Italy for 2009: will mid-life crisis Clooney take Canalis to the Oscars?

While the international audience wants to know who Elisabetta Canalis is, the Italians are asking themselves how she ever ended up with George Clooney.
The conclusion is that on the arm of Clooney will be the only way Elisabetta ever gets anywhere near the red carpet of the Oscars, and frankly if Clooney’s taken her everywhere else there’s no reason to think that he won’t take her to the Oscars as well (red carpet Venice, then red carpet London, the red carpet in Rome etc).

The ClooneyCanalis couple has had the Hollywood stars blinded by Canalis’ good looks and supposed charm, and the Italians obssessing over their favourite resident actor with a loved or hated Italian show girl, depending on which camp you’re in.
In the biggest gossip from Italy for 2009, there’s an opinion that Elisabetta Canalis is not quite the girl you’d expect Clooney to fall in love with; being a reflection on her and not on him of course, as many a fan around the world would never admit to faults in the man himself.

The Italians are not very charitable towards the lady in question, falling just short of vitriol that we can only imagine George Clooney is ignoring.
And perhaps one commenter has hit the nail on the head in saying that she could be the accessory for Clooney’s mid life crisis, with another adding “You’ll see that Elisabetta Canalis, like any self-respecting overpaid luxury escort, will accompany the lovely George down the Red Carpet.
What suburban tart would let go of an opportunity for so much publicity?”

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