“Belfast Riots: Task Ahead for Politicians”

Recent disturbances in Belfast bear resemblance to the chaos unleashed in various UK cities after the tragic murder of three girls in Southport on July 29th. The apparent justification offered by extreme-right activists for this terror outburst is the purported influx of illegal immigrants, believed by them to cause a surge in severe crime.

This propaganda has undoubtedly fanned the flames of tension, however, lacks any factual foundation, particularly in Northern Ireland. The most recent statistics indicate that in 2022, Northern Ireland had minor population changes as 27,016 new residents arrived and 24,702 departed, leaving a negligible net increase of 2,314 for a populace of 1.9 million.

Exploring these numbers further, approximately 5,000 immigrants in 2022 were non-UK nationals, with the largest group (3,732 individuals) originating from India. These individuals are likely highly skilled professionals, including medical workers.

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Around 2.9 per cent of UK asylum seekers are accounted for by Northern Ireland. As of December 2023, 2,831 individuals were seeking asylum support there. Hence, Northern Ireland isn’t confronted with rampant immigration. Moreover, the small group of mainly young men instigating the Belfast riots does not reflect the opinion of the vast Northern Ireland populace.

Data released by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency shows that acceptance for asylum seekers residing in Northern Ireland has seen a substantial rise since the survey’s inception in 2018, moving from 54 per cent to 70 per cent in 2022.

As stated by PSNI, the majority of those instigating riots in Belfast are predominantly from the Loyalist sections of the town. Evidence points towards the partial involvement of Loyalist paramilitaries in the planning and execution of these violent actions. It is thus incumbent on the leaders within Loyalist communities to work tireless to stop the violence.

On the other hand, wider issues are confronted by every political representative in Northern Ireland, an area which records some of the topmost deprivation indices across the UK. A paucity of investments has led to a housing deficit and an overstraining of governmental facilities.

Hate campaigns led by ultra-right-wing groups on social media platforms, aiming to fuel anti-immigrant sentiments, are plaguing every society. However, these campaigns are witnessing more success in areas which are economically less prosperous.

Although the Stormont assembly has resumed functioning, it has witnessed an accumulative suspension period of five years since 2017. A political deadlock invariably results in financial stagnation. Thus, it becomes imperative for all political representatives to actively address this issue and build a feeling of progressiveness. This would be the most effective method to counteract the hatred and racial discrimination that has been noticeably prevalent in Belfast.
