“Belfast Anti-Racism Rally After Disorder”

A rally against racism is planned to be held in Belfast this coming Saturday. The event is a response to a week marred by hostilities against immigrants and disorder. The march, arranged by the organisation United Against Racism, will commence from Writer’s Square around noon, before proceeding towards the City Hall.

This action follows a mass gathering on Friday evening in the city, as a counter-protest to an anti-immigration demonstration that comprised several hundred people. The authorities had to impose strict controls to maintain peace between the challenging parties at Belfast City Hall. Donegall Square North and Wellington Place were cordoned off for several hours.

The participants of the anti-immigration protest were observed carrying signs holding messages like “Shankill Road says no to illegal immigration”. And they were heard shouting “Send them home”. The counter-protestors, on the other hand, were armed with trade union banners and signs representing anti-racist slogans. Their chants included “When migrant lives are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back” and “Belfast is anti-fascist”.

As the evening arrived, the majority of the anti-immigration protestors dispersed. However, a significant operation by the police is scheduled in view of the anticipated protests over the weekend.

The upcoming anti-racism demonstration on Saturday is expected to see more than 120 groups attending. Speaking for United Against Racism, a representative stated: “Belfast is a city that embraces inclusion and diversity and will not succumb to racial hatred. We call upon everyone who stands against division to participate in the protest on Saturday, sending a clear signal that the majority do not support those who spread racism. This invitation extends to all labour unions, community groups, progressive political parties, and activist groups.”

“Permitting violent racist factions to dominate our streets and manipulate the narrative surrounding our societal issues is non-negotiable. Far-right groups are conspicuously absent when progressives strive for societal transformation, call for public services investment, or champion for the rights we all merit.

Across this nation, it is imperative that we foster an anti-racist movement that not only stands against hatred but also offer solutions to address the challenges we collectively face. The adoption of unity is pivotal in defeating hatred and also in enhancing the lives of those let down by the authorities. We must instil faith in those living in fright in their own abodes. Belfast is a city keen on diversity and we invite all to exhibit this aspect.

In the aftermath of three minors being stabbed in Southport, near Liverpool, riots broke out across the UK. False information regarding the suspect’s identity circulated soon after the crime. From last Saturday, anti-immigrant protesters have targeted businesses, homes, and individuals in Belfast.

In line with inquiries into these recent disturbances, 26 individuals have been taken into custody with charges brought against 22 people.(- PA)”
