“Beef bavette in Vietnamese manner with rice fried with egg”

Here are the necessary ingredients for your meal:

– Bavette Steak weighing 600g
– Dressing Ingredients:
– 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
– A thumb-sized piece of peeled and grated ginger
– 2 finely chopped shallots
– 2 finely chopped red chillies
– 80ml each of rice wine vinegar and fish sauce
– 4 tablespoons of soy sauce
– Zest and juice from 2 limes
– 2 tablespoons each of caster sugar and cornflour
– 30ml of water
– Sea salt and black pepper to taste

For the fried rice, you’ll need:

– 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
– 2 sliced cloves of garlic
– A chopped head of bok choi
– 80g of sliced button mushrooms
– 2 whisked eggs
– 350g of cooked long-grain rice
– 1 thinly sliced red onion
– 1 thinly sliced red chilli
– 2 sliced scallions
– Garnishes of mint and coriander leaves
– 1 lime cut into wedges

Remove the bavette steak from the refrigerator one hour before cooking so it can reach room temperature. Begin by preparing the Vietnamese dressing. Heat a small pot and pour in the vegetable oil. Add ginger, shallot and chilli; let this soften on low heat for 3-4 minutes. Pour in the vinegar, fish sauce, lime juice and zest, and sugar. Blend the cornflour with the water and introduce it to the pot. Let it simmer on low heat until it thickens before removing from heat to cool.

Cut the bavette steak in half lengthways, then coat with oil and season with salt and pepper. In a non-stick pan, cook the steak on high heat for 4-5 minutes before flipping it over to cook for another four minutes. Let the meat rest for five minutes post-cooking.

Upon allowing the beef to rest, proceed to heat the oil in a large wok or nonstick frying pan over high heat. Introduce garlic, cautiously cooking it for a minute in order to prevent burning. The next ingredients to be added are the bok choi and sliced mushrooms, cooking each for an additional minute. Shift the vegetables to the pan’s side and break an egg into the vacant space, stirring it well whilst it cooks for another minute. Introduce the already cooked rice to the mix, ensuring it blends well with the vegetables and egg as it cooks yet again for a minute. Finally, integrate a few servings of the Vietnamese dressing, take another minute to cook, thoroughly stirring it into the rice and vegetable concoction to ensure a uniform coat before finally taking off the heat.

Portion the fried rice onto individual serving plates and garnish with thinly sliced red onion, red chilli and spring onion. Move the properly rested beef to a chopping board and proceed to slice it, taking note to cut against the grain to avoid a chewy texture. Place these slices of beef atop the fried rice, using mint and coriander leaves as garnish alongside a wedge of lime.
