“Bardella: Far-Right TikTok King Targets Premiership”

Where Jordan Bardella may not possess the traditional level of experience and qualifications typically sought by French voters in political leaders, he undoubtedly has a successful tenure running his TikTok page. At just 28 years of age, Bardella has adroitly harnessed the power of social media to broaden the popular appeal of his right-wing National Rally (RN) party, especially with the younger generation. This has significantly contributed to the party’s commanding defeat of Emmanuel Macron’s centrists in the EU elections.

After the sudden dissolution of the Parliament by Macron, leading to a hastily arranged parliamentary election, Bardella, RN’s president from 2022 onwards, is defiant in presenting a composed and serious image. During an interview with RTL on a Tuesday, he donned his signature sleek, dark suit and tie and assured, “We are ready to govern,”. He was also questioned about voters who are worried about the rise of far-right, to which Bardella responded, “Times have changed,”.

RN’s leader, Marine Le Pen, who brought Bardella into the public eye from his humble beginnings as a party activist, believes him to be the “natural candidate” for the post of prime minister, provided she ascended to the presidency. Given Macron’s surprise move of early elections, Bardella’s appointment could be expedited; a significant RN victory could place him in Matignon, the official residence of the Prime Minister, following the July 7th ballot, thereby giving him charge of the country’s domestic matters, in the euro zone’s second-largest economy.

In partnership with Le Pen, Bardella forms a dynamic duo, bolstering the RN’s prominence in France. While Bardella presents a somewhat gentler and more acceptable side of the rebranded RN that Le Pen has worked tirelessly to create over the past decade, unlike her, his youthfulness allows him to present himself as devoid of the party’s past racist and xenophobic association. Furthermore, Bardella does not carry the burden of the Le Pen name, which connects to the politics of her father for some voters. Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of RN, referred to the Holocaust as “a detail of history,” which led to his conviction on charges of hate speech.

However, the negative connotations linked with the senior Le Pen is receding from voters’ minds currently, and Bardella has significantly contributed to the daughter’s endeavour to normalise the party’s image.

A recent poll conducted by Harris Interactive disclosed that the RN could potentially secure the majority of seats in the parliament’s lower house, outpacing Macron’s alliance significantly, although without acquiring absolute majority. If a victory of 289 seats out of the 577 in the assembly was achieved, Bardella would ascend to the position of Prime Minister, compelling Macron to enter a power-sharing arrangement known as “cohabitation”.

Elevating his public popularity, Bardella has emerged as the political equivalent of a TikTok sensation in France. His account on the social media platform favoured by young audiences boasts an impressive following of 1.5 million. This still falls short of Macron’s 4.5 million followers, yet far exceeds those of other high-profile politicians, including Le Pen and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who has a mere 297,000 followers.

Bardella’s content varies from dignified discussions concerning living costs to lively campaign videos. He recently posted a picture of himself taking selfies amidst a crowd of youthful fans sporting sunglasses bearing the inscription “The J”. Bardella has also shared a clip from a recent debate on France Inter radio during the European election, in which he discusses the issue of unchecked immigration with composure, contrasting his opponent Raphael Glucksmann’s more heated response. He criticises those who promote extensive immigration, as they themselves reside in posh neighbourhoods and aren’t affected by it, making specific reference to Glucksmann, raised in a family of renowned Parisian intellectuals.

Bardella’s charm and choice of words have been successful in conveying far-right ideologies to a French audience increasingly leaning to the right. Public opinion, however, is split. While some believe Bardella’s party harbours dictatorial aspirations, others view him as France’s sole hope, reaffirming their support with heart-shaped emoticons in the colours of the French flag.

The RN’s performance in elections has progressively improved under Bardella’s leadership. In the latest European Parliament election, it received double the votes of Macron’s Renaissance and a 9% increase from the 2019 results. Le Pen’s percentage against Macron increased from 34% in 2017 to 41% in 2022 in the presidential election. Bardella, the young politician, has adeptly managed the narrative about his public image. In spite of his party’s rigorous stance against immigration, Bardella openly acknowledges his Italian ancestry.

Frequently, Bardella discusses the struggles of his upbringing in Saint-Denis, an immigrant suburb to the north of Paris, where social housing appeared to be the only option for his single mother. However, the reality is not exactly as he portrays, according to French journalists. His father actually owned his own business and offered him a private education.

Bardella, disdainful about pursuing higher studies in geography at Sorbonne, abandoned it to step into RN politics at seventeen – an unusual step in a French political system that values qualifications from École Normale Supérieure and Sciences Po. His political career thus far has bypassed the corporate landscape or any other profession.

However, Bardella is a skilful communicator with a knack for expressing the values of the RN to adoring followers who regard him as a superstar. His rowdy campaign rallies, replete with loud music and beer, draw in young attendees. Repeated cries of his first name and post-rally requests for selfies attest to his popularity.

Issues related to public perception haven’t seemed to negatively impact him. Even after his debated defeat in a television standoff against Attal, wherein Bardella appeared vague about his party’s immigration intentions, his poll numbers rose in the subsequent days.

Recently, he has attempted to create links with the business world – a sector traditionally reluctant towards right-wing extremists. Bardella has gained traction within the small business ownership community, appearing to espouse more liberal and free-market economic views in contrast to the more populist, big-government leaning Le Pen.

Speculations are rife that the alliance between Le Pen and Bardella may crumble, particularly as Bardella’s star continues to rise. Sources close to Macron have reportedly encouraged this division, covertly praising Bardella to the press. The suggestion that Bardella might aspire to higher office in 2027 has also been hinted at.

Despite these rumours, the RN leaders have remained united. Bardella proudly displays in his office a large photograph of him with Le Pen, and continues to speak to her formally.

In a Financial Times interview in December, Bardella stated, “There is no competition between us, primarily because this partnership was her creation.”

“She is greatly responsible for the person I’ve become and we collaborate effortlessly. We deny the opportunity for others to witness any discord between us. Only those unfamiliar with us could conceive such a thing.” – © The Financial Times Limited 2024.

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