Balancing Unity with Dispersed Authority

In his letter, David Geary wholeheartedly agrees with David McWilliams’s assertion that Ireland needs to shift its focus away from the centrality of Dublin for a promising future, inclusive of major cities such as Galway and Limerick. He perceives the current socio-economic boom as a golden chance to develop and bolster our regional cities, aiming to establish a balanced national landscape.

However, this window of opportunity is fleeting and requires prompt action, as with increasing chances of reunification in the 2040s, the State’s resources will naturally gravitate North. Whether the State possesses the necessary agility and coherence to seize this moment is yet unclear, and the consequences of inaction could potentially undermine reunification efforts.

Geary raises concerns that inhabitants of Northern Ireland may resist a State principally centric on Dublin. For sustained peace and unity on the island, he stresses that the State must transition from its extreme Dublin-centric approach to a more balanced model, favouring multiple regional hubs with more delegated authority. Moreover, this strategy should be put into action before reunification.

Criticising the current system, Geary voices the need for change, advocating for a more regionally inclusive approach to Irish development and unity.

Written by Staff

Rory McIlroy’s Awards of Solace

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