Autumn in Italy: White Truffle market exhibition at Città di Castello, Umbria

From 6 to 8 November 2009 Citta di Castello in the Umbria region will be hosting the 30th edition of the White Truffle market exhibition; with a display of more than 40 stands, the exhibition will take place in three different squares of Citta di Castello ( i.
iazza Gabriotti, piazza Matteotti and piazza Fanti).

In addition to all this, visitors will also have the opportunity to visit other sections of this important exhibition such as Sapori d’Italia or Flavours from Italy and Sapori del Bosco or Flavours from the woods (both dedicated to traditional Umbria cuisine).
But one of the most curious and awaited event of this festival dedicated to white truffles from Alto Tevere and Alto Chiascio is the “ Mastri banconieri in gara” which will take place on the last day of the market exhibition (Sunday) when the spotlight will be cast on the biggest ham in the world ( Guinness book of world records) and the man who won first price as the best ham cutter in the world!
