Automatic holy water font designed: Italy’s churches battle swine flu

Italian inventions take it to the next level with an automatic holy water dispenser for churches.
The traditional holy water font into which Catholics dip their fingers to bless themselves will be replaced in some churches in Italy, particularly in light of swine flu concerns.
The automatic holy water font, much like those equipped with a sensor that can be found in public bathrooms, has been designed by Luciano Marabrese for hygiene reasons.

Milan’s Duomo had already banned the use of water fonts, and Italy is experiencing a significant outbreak of swine flu (though there isn’t necessarily a link between swine flu and the use of water fonts in churches).
The automatic holy water font has been trialled at Fornaci di Briosco church in the Brianza district near Milan, and once accepted by Italian Catholics, has been successful.
Marabrese says he has been swamped by orders, though I can’t wait to see how they’re going to establish this in Italy’s many churches.
Next stop the Vatican?
