good bacteria

There Is a Good Bacteria in Our Body That Helps Us Feel Better

It consists of colonies of microorganisms – over 1,000 species of bacteria, fungi and protozoa – that live in our digestive system. The bacterial flora, or gut microbiota, is a valuable ally for our health. First and foremost, it prevents the proliferation of pathogens and synthesises useful substances such as Vitamin K. In addition, it digests the most complex molecules and keeps our immune system in “training”. For this reason, we must try to keep these good bacteria healthy. We can do this with our daily diet, which allows us to provide energy and nutrients to intestinal microorganisms. We feed the bacteria and they help us to make the digestive system and the immune system work properly.

ancient civilizations

5 Ancient Civilizations That Have Mysteriously Disappeared

Annihilated by hunger, conquered by enemies, wiped out by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Much more often, in reality, they have vanished without a clue. We are talking about some great ancient civilizations, which we know existed but we do not know how they disappeared. For example, the Moche in Peru may have been weakened by earthquakes, prolonged droughts and floods caused by El Niño. But there is also an American civilization that disappeared in a mysterious way – the Anasazi.


Do Not Throw Corks Away – Recycle Them Creatively

Cork is a natural and biodegradable material, which is suitable for many uses, so it is a shame to throw it away. In fact, a little glue and a few corks are enough to create beautiful and useful objects for your home. Do you need some ideas? A floating keychain, a bath mat, a pin board, a trivet or a very original pot.

water shortage

Water Shortage: Why Are We Running Out of ‘Blue Gold’?

Our planet is experiencing an unprecedented water shortage. There are many reasons for this, but they all have to do with man – and climate change. First of all, world population is growing and this leads to an increase of water demand. In addition, as a consequence of global warming, droughts are more frequent and ice glaciers melt faster. As a result, we are losing drinking water and increasing the amount of sea water that is unusable for life.

readings books

5 Reasons Why Readings Books Makes Us Better People

We have known since we were children that readings books is important. It teaches us to write well, opens our minds, enriches our culture. But there is much more than that. In fact, it also allows us to develop empathy and emotional intelligence. Moreover, it teaches us making sense of things and opening up to possibilities. When we deal with a story that doesn’t end the way we thought, we also learn that not everything goes the way we want it to. Finally, we could even become more social by reading more.

If You Want to Do Green House Cleaning, Beware of These False Myths

Green house cleaning has conquered everyone. But while some tricks are effective, other “natural” remedies are useless and harmful. For example, you should actually avoid to use vinegar and opt for citric acid, which is far less polluting. You should also stop thinking that fabric softener is useless, as it helps reducing skin irritations. Finally, don’t try to use Coca Cola for clogged drains!

wildlife animals

Help Wildlife Animals Get Through the Winter With These Tips

Winter frost can pose a dangerous threat to the wildlife animals that live around us. However, we can help them by equipping the balconies and gardens to offer them protection for the coldest days. As for birds, you could place some mangers with seeds on the balcony or in the garden or build a small bird house. Mammals, on the other hand, prefer dried fruit, dried bread, vegetables and fresh fruit. The most important thing, however, is to provide them with water and a shelter!

Aboriginal People

Aboriginal People Are the Oldest People on Earth, Scientists Say

They inhabited Australia continuously for 40,000 years. According to a new study, the Aboriginal people are the oldest unbroken civilization on Earth. The study, in fact, shows evidence of a single colonization event in Australia, and a continuity of occupation of the same genetic signature, over a period of about 40 thousand years. This is due to the fact that Aborigines too left Africa 72,000 years ago, but separated from other ethnic groups 37,000 years ago.


Halligen – The Islands of Germany that Are Slowly Disappearing

In medieval times there were even 50, while in 1600 there were 25. Today they are only ten. They are the Halligen, small islands between the North Frisian Islands of the North Sea, on the border between Germany and Denmark. But why are they gradually disappearing? These tiny strips of land are submerged every winter by the tides of the Wadden Sea. As a result, over time some of them have been completely swallowed up by water.

Matriarchal Societies

3 Matriarchal Societies in the World Where Women Are in Charge

There are over one hundred matriarchal societies in the world, the most important of which are in Indonesia (Minangkabau), Mexico (Juchitàn) and China (Moos). Their pacifist structure is of great teaching to Westerners, because it teaches us how to organize non-violent and collaborative societies: that is why matriarchy does not mean “domination” of women.

garbage cafe

In This Garbage Cafe in India You Can Get Food for Garbage

Eating a big meal for a pound of plastic. This is possible in India, where the first ‘Garbage Cafe’ has opened. Here people can receive free food in exchange for garbage. This initiative is part of a wider door-to-door waste collection programme already undertaken. The goal, however, is to eliminate all disposable plastic in India by 2022.

Lake in Costa Rica

This Lake in Costa Rica May Kill You if You Even Go Near It

There is a wonderful lake in Costa Rica, with breathtaking colors and pastel shades ranging from pink to blue to green. Sadly, it is as beautiful as deadly. Its pH reaches even zero while the bottom is covered by liquid sulphur. No living creature can inhabit it. In other words, it is a living hell of water. Due to its strange activity, the Poás volcano provides an excellent and extreme example of the effects of acid rain.

fundamental rights

5 Fundamental Rights We Must Guarantee to Everyone to Fight Injustice

In order to fight injustice, we must ensure to respect the rights of everyone. This applies in particular to the so-called fundamental rights, which must be guaranteed everywhere. Stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, they are: right to food, right to water, right to health, right to education, and right to childhood – which is also enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Mankai or Water Lentil – The New Superfood That Could Replace Meat

Consumption of animal-based food raises several issues, such as the environmental impact of intensive farming. This is why we need vegetarian substitues to meat, just like mankai. Native to Southeast Asia, it is a protein-rich plant that also contains amino acids, B12 and iron. Its intake could therefore be a good solution to limit the consumption of products of animal origin. In addition, eating mankai allows to reduce postprandial glycemic response.

rainbow mountain

There Is a Beautiful Rainbow Mountain in Perù Called Vinicunca

There is a magical place in Peru where you can walk in a rainbow of colors. People call it the “rainbow mountain”, but its geographical name is Vinicunca. Its particular color is due to the fact that millions of years ago materials such as iron, dolomite, sulphur, copper and hematite deposited on the mountain, which today create this effect. It’s still a unique and uncontaminated place because to see it you have to go on a demanding trekking at high altitude that can last several days.

political couples

The Most Famous Political Couples Who Have Influenced History

From Europe to India, from ancient times to the present day. There are many partners who have managed to share not only love but also power in the course of their lives. Among them are surely Caesar and Cleopatra, who together ruled one of the greatest empires in history. Looking instead at the present day, it is necessary to mention Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jacqueline and John Fitzgerald Kennedy and even Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip.

shopping mall

This Is the First Shopping Mall in the World That Sells Only Recycled Items

There is a shopping mall where everything has already been used but can come back to life: it is ReTuna, a mall in Sweden that sells only recycled products. Born in 2015, it is the world’s first recycling mall and promises to revolutionise shopping in an environmentally smart way. Here, old objects return to a new life through repair and upcycling. In addition, everything sold is recycled or reused or has been produced in a sustainable way.

sea of freshwater

Scientists Have Discovered a Sea of Freshwater Beneath the Ocean

A sea of freshwater under the salt ocean. It seems a paradox, but it is real. A research group at Columbia University has discovered a giant freshwater aquifer trapped in porous sediments. In fact, it is below the vast expanse of water from Massachusetts to New Jersey. This is really interesting because it could provide water for the world’s arid regions.

Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi Has Opened Restaurants Where People Can Eat For Free

We all know Jon Bon Jovi for his music. Few, however, know that the singer is also an activist and promoter of a very interesting social project known as Soul Kitchen. They are restaurants open to everyone where those in need can eat without paying. Instead of money, they can give a little help in the kitchen. In addition to serving food, the two restaurants also offer other services, in order to help people with bureaucratic, health management or other problems.

citric acid

What Is Citric Acid and How You Can Use It at Home

Citric acid is as useful as it is little known. For example, have you ever tried to use it to degrease and clean bathroom fixtures or kitchen utensils? This compound, found in all citrus fruits, is an excellent natural cleaning remedy. In fact, you can use it in your washing machine, but also for cleaning your glasses, your toilet and as a drain cleaner. By learning to use citric acid correctly, you will avoid all those commercial products that are polluting to the environment and toxic to our organism.


Akarmara – The Mining Town Reclaimed by Nature in Only 20 Years

Trees and vegetation have invaded houses and streets. Welcome to Akarmara, the former Soviet city of Abkhazia, a Caucasian territory claimed by Georgia. Actually it is an independent region – and in recent years it has become a forest. It was once a mining town, but in the 1970s, due to war and economic change, people started to leave the city. As a result, nature once again took control of what belonged to it and invaded the town, which today has only 35 inhabitants.

norwegian island

This Norwegian Island Has Decided to Eliminate the Concept of Time

The inhabitants of Sommarøy, a Norwegian island, live in a very special condition. In fact, 69 days a year they are under continuous sunlight. That is why they have decided to eliminate time – or rather, watches. By doing so, they no longer submit to the rigid schedules that make their lives too limited. Their aim is to be a timeless zone where everyone can live their lives to the fullest.

sweet almond oil

Here Is Why You Should Add Sweet Almond Oil to Your Beauty Routine

Emollient, softening, nourishing and soothing – sweet almond oil is rich in protein, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamin A and B group. It is suitable for all skin types and helps to combat skin aging. In addition, it is perfect for dry and reddened skin such as the sensitive skin of children. Moreover, it helps preventing diseases such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis and thrombosis.

indian lake

This Indian Lake Is So Polluted, It Keeps Catching Fire

There is an Indian lake that is always burning making life difficult for locals. It is Lake Bellandur in Bangalore and once again, the only one responsible for this phenomenon is man. The fires, in fact, would be the result of the continuous, illegal dumping of waste into the lake. As a result, the waters of Bellandur are toxic and nowadays there is still no definitive solution to this situation.