Valentine's Day

On Valentine’s Day, Do Not Forget to Respect the Environment

Valentine’s Day is coming up. As an opportunity to express more attention to your partner, it is lately becoming a tool of mass consumerism, to enrich large companies. In fact, we should show love to our partner every day throughout the year, and not only on February 14. However, if you are looking for an idea to amaze your beloved, we suggest some eco-sustainable ideas. So you can celebrate without unnecessary waste, respecting the environment and surprising the other with original gifts.

Surviving Fires

Surviving Fires: Nature Does It Better than Humans

Surviving fires is not easy, yet nature does it better than humans. Fire has an important and often negative impact on wild plants and animals, but some systems have adapted to it. And, paradoxically, some species cannot live without fire. In an environment adapted to the fire, in fact, once the fire is extinguished, nature can resume the lost ground. Moreover, some species, even with a fire, do not die and can grow back very quickly.

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories Were Born Sooner Than You Thought

A The history of conspiracy is ancient. The moment when the “conspiracy theories” became an explicit and conscious political method to justify political actions was the French Revolution (1789) and the following years. It was the so-called period of Terror. Poverty and social inequality in France had reached such a dramatic threshold that it became unsustainable. The bourgeois masses, inspired by the new ideals proclaimed by the Enlightenment philosophers – equality, freedom and brotherhood – joined forces to subvert the feudal monarchical order. In this way they led to the fall of the so-called ancien regime. As a result, kings, nobles and clergy became the privileged targets of their protest.

Simple DIY Projects

Simple DIY Projects to Perfume Your Home in a Natural Way

Having a scented home can help you create a unique atmosphere. However, you don’t have to resort to industrial environment perfumers, which often contain chemicals that are both polluting and harmful to health. Fortunately, it is possible to perfume your home with natural ingredients. Flowers, spices or aromatic herbs are all you need to create simple DIY projects for this purpose.

Best Marathons in the World

Here Are The Most Incredible, Best Marathons in the World

The most famous are those in New York, with more than 50 thousand participants, that of Berlin and that of Athens. But there are many other suggestive marathons that can give unique emotions. Among them, we have the Outdoor Marathon in Australia, the Kilimanjaro Marathon, the Midnight Sun Marathon in Norvegia, the Inca Trail Marathon and the Grand to Grand Ultra.

toxic substances

3 Toxic Substances That You Can Find Inside Your House

Every day we use products that are dangerous to our health at home, perhaps without knowing it. Among the most toxic substances to which we are exposed on a daily basis are certainly chemical detergents, ammonia and pesticides. The greatest risks are due to ingestion or accidental contact, which can cause intoxication or even permanent damage to the digestive system.


4 Things You Probably Do Not Know About Rainbows

The word rainbow comes from the Latin arcus pluvius. This shows that even our ancestors understood its physical origin: there can be no rainbow without rain. But how are rainbows formed? They occur when sunlight – i.e. all wavelengths of light, which together appear as white light – passes through water droplets. And how many color do they contain? That really depends on us. Some scientists even think that perception can be a cultural issue.


What Kind of Fossils Will We Humans Leave Behind?

We are all going to die, and that is for sure. But who will remember us, and how? We are not talking about our children and grandchildren, but something more long-term. What fossils will we leave on Earth as a trace of our passage? Paleontologists Karen Koy, from Missouri State University, and Roy Plotnick, from the University of Chicago, asked themselves this question. As a result, the two published a study in the journal Anthropocene imagining what the fossils of our civilization will look like, and how they will be interpreted by future humans (or an alien race visiting our planet).

online shopping

Online Shopping? Then Pay Attention to These Dangerous Items

Shopping online is convenient. In fact, it allows you to shop without moving from home, avoiding trips around the city and crowded shops. Moreover, you can often find great deals online. However, we must pay attention to what we buy, as some products may be dangerous for our health. In particular, we should be careful when buying toys, clothing and household products, which may contain toxic substances that are still legal in other countries.

eating cheese

If We Are Eating Cheese Today It Is Thanks to a Prehistoric Fly

Do you like eating cheese and dairy in general? Then you should know where do they come from. In fact, if today you can satisfy your passion and enjoy cheddar or mozzarella, you must thank a prehistoric fly. Neolithic farmers were actually the first to learn how bacteria and other tiny creatures could help preserving and transforming food. This is what emerges from a study published in Current Biology. This new discovery is rewriting, at least in part, the food history of man.

ruth pfau

Who Is Ruth Pfau, the so-called ‘Mother Teresa of Pakistan’

Ruth Pfau has been an extremely important figure to the people of Pakistan. Throughout her life, in fact, she has always done her best to help others. Precisely for this reason, many today call her the ‘Mother Teresa of Pakistan’. As a doctor and a nun, she dedicated much of her life to fighting leprosy in Pakistan. In fact, she has coordinated the activities of hundreds of hospitals throughout the country. For this reason she was the first woman to get a state funeral in Pakistan.

Spa in House

Spa in House: DIY and Organic Recipes for a Complete Beauty Ritual

There are rare moments in life when we have a few hours to ourselves. With work, family and daily commitments it doesn’t happen often – but when it does it’s a priceless gift! What better occasion, then, to pamper your body in a natural way with a complete beauty ritual? A Spa in house, only with organic products and DIY cosmetic recipes!

yoga retreats

3 Yoga Retreats to Find Peace of Mind Around the World

Are you feeling stressed out in your everyday life? Do you want to drop everything and run away? Then a nice trip might be just the thing for you. In particular, you could take refuge in a place where you can meditate in peace. For example, you can find many yoga retreats throughout the world – starting from As

quotes from famous people

‘They Never Said That’: 4 Wrong Quotes from Famous People

The web often attributes aphorisms or smart jokes to certain personalities – whether they are celebrities or scientists. However, are they really the authors of these sentences? For example, are you sure Woody Allen really said “God is dead. Marx is dead. And I don’t feel so well myself”? Or that Sherlock Holmes was the first to say “Elementary, my dear Watson”? In both cases, the answer is no.

Renewable Energies

Here Is What Is Going On with Renewable Energies in the World

Now that the new decade has begun, it is time to take stock of the situation regarding eco-sustainability issues. First of all, what is going on with renewable energies in the world? The answer to this question comes from the report by the Energy Information Administration (EIA). We are doing well, but there is still much to do not to exceed the limits set by the Paris Agreement. However, in addition to focusing on the use of clean energy, we must also understand that we ourselves are the cause of energy production. So the less energy we consume, the better.

stone age people

Stone Age People Already Struggled Against Sea Level Rise

Even in prehistoric times, people living near the sea had to deal with the risk of flooding. In fact, the remains of what seems to be a coastal defence barrier have come to light off the Israeli coast. The wall that stretches over 100 meters protected a small community of Stone Age people around 7000 years ago. According to archaeologists at the University of Haifa (Israel), it is the oldest and most impressive sea wall ever identified. Unfortunately, however, it did not prevent the village from being submerged.

about china

5 Interesting Things You (Maybe) Don’t Know About China

When we talk about China, we must always bear in mind that it is an extremely large and complex nation. It covers about 10 million square kilometers, and almost 1.5 billion people live there. This is 20% of the world population. It is impossible to describe this country in its entirety. Here instead are some curiosities to catch some facets of this immense world. For example, did you know that China is home of the biggest airport in the world? Or that the most popular means of transport are electric scooters?

soap leftovers

Reuse Soap Leftovers Thanks to These 4 Original Ideas

In the shower, on the edge of the bathtub, near the sink, in the kitchen. Soap leftovers accumulate everywhere in our homes and we often don’t know what to do with them. Why throw them away? We can instead use them for creative recycling. In this way we can reduce waste, save money and give a second chance to objects and materials that would otherwise end up in landfill.

Hachiko True Story

Hachiko True Story – The Most Faithful Dog in the World

After the sudden death of its master, Hachiko went every day to wait for him, in vain. For nine years, the Akita dog returned to Shibuya Station at the time the man usually got off the train on his way home from work. This dog became the icon of fidelity and unconditional love in Japan, and later throughout the world. But what is Hachiko true story?

when did slavery start

When Did Slavery Start in America? An Historical Reconstruction

The first Africans who arrived by sea in the future United States were not slaves, but contract servants: that landing, however, laid the foundations of the American slave society. In fact, once the masters understood that it was more advantageous to have slaves for life, the concept of ownership of human beings spread. Slavery laws were one of the triggers for the war of secession, after which slavery was finally declared illegal.

environmental impacts

What Are the Foods with the Highest Environmental Impacts?

Our food choices are one of the most effective ways of supporting the environment. But what are the foods with the highest environmental impacts? Generally speaking, if we buy organic and local food, we are already helping the planet. However, if we want to avoid highly polluting foods with from our diet, we can remove these products from our shopping list: avocado, meat, cheese and palm oil.

wild places in the world

4 Wild Places in the World Where You Can Admire the Beauty of Nature

If you need to take a break from city life, then a trip might be just the thing for you. The ideal would be to regain contact with nature, enjoying enchanted wild places in the world and breathtaking scenery. From the Amazon, to Indonesia, Cambogia, Patagonia: you are just spoilt for choice.

Lavender Essential Oils

How Lavender Essential Oils May Be a Great Ally for Your Body

From medicine to cosmetics to modern aromatherapy. Over the centuries, people have always exploited the healthy potential of lavender essential oil. This plant, in fact, does not irritate the skin and has a great calming and relaxing power. It is great for aromatherapy, but also for making DIY products. For example, you could use lavender oil to make ecological deodorants, bath salts and compresses!