Dear Editor,
I have noticed that a variety of activities are being set in motion to commemorate Halloween in Dublin this year. Interestingly, one of these is the Bram Stoker Festival. I must convey my sentiments pertaining to this. Dracula, undoubtedly, was a masterpiece. However, one must remember that Stoker remains a ‘one hit wonder’ in many respects. Comparatively, Sheridan Le Fanu’s body of work in the same genre is much more profound and, if I may say so, far more engaging to read. Do we ignore his contributions at this festive time in his birthplace? Notably, the eminent ghost story writer from England, MR James, was a staunch supporter of Sheridan Le Fanu and edited a few of his story versions about a hundred years ago. It seems the time is ripe for another resurgence.
St Helens,
Merseyside, UK.