“Asylum Seeker Support Review Imminent”

Paschal Donohoe, the Minister for Public Expenditure, has announced that a review of the support provided to asylum seekers will be concluded promptly. Talking in Dublin, Donohoe informed that the country’s Prime Minister was keen on hastening the review process.

The objective of the review is two-fold; to extend fair and empathetic treatment towards those seeking refuge in Ireland and to evaluate if the policies are in line with the practices followed elsewhere in Europe. Donohoe acknowledged that those who arrive at Irish shores are doing so under severe and desperate conditions. The government’s intention is to implement a fair, compassionate, and transparent system based on firm rules. This system will be fast tracked and implemented swiftly.

Donohoe also highlighted the success of Ireland’s work permit procedure, admitting more legal immigrants compared to those seeking international protection. He mentioned that the review was aimed at comparing Ireland’s policies with those of other European nations.

The observation is critical to ensure the equitable extension of benefits to new arrivals. It also seeks to align with international norms while making the best use of Ireland’s resources and treating the incoming refugees with fairness and empathy. The forthcoming weeks will see the successful completion of the entire review.

While discussing the ongoing accommodation crisis for the asylum seekers, Donohoe also questioned Sinn Féin’s opposition to ‘open borders’. He quizzed on their understanding of ‘open borders’ – whether it refers to the border on the island of Ireland amidst Brexit talks, the United Kingdom-Ireland boundary that impacts the Common Travel Area or the changes within the European Union’s single market.

Ivana Bacik, the leader of the Labour Party, has expressed her concerns regarding the well-being of asylum seekers following revelations on Sunday regarding an alleged assault on the tents of homeless international protection applicants located along the Grand Canal. Such an incident was disturbingly close to her and the local volunteers have reported it to the gardaí accordingly.

The significant point of concern is that as long as these individuals are compelled to reside in tents along the Grand Canal or on public roads, they will be in constant danger due to the very nature of the situation being inherently risky. It is not only detrimental for them due to the absence of hygiene and cleaning services, but also inhumane.

Bacik blames the government for its failure in providing sufficient housing facilities for these individuals, asserting that it is indeed this shortfall that is resulting in this hazardous living situation. As long as individuals are made to inhabit the streets, they will be in a state of insecurity.

She voiced these sentiments during the Party’s local and European election campaign kick-off. The Labour Party plans to field over 100 candidates in the approaching local elections.
