“Arts Council Gifts Books to Inmates”

The Arts Council is teaming up with the Irish Prison Service for a unique book distribution programme to be rolled out on Culture Night. According to the Arts Council’s declaration, the initiative aims to ensure the inclusion of the populations of 13 prisons who would not typically be able to participate in Culture Night activities. This special event scheduled for September 20th sees the Arts Council, courtesy of Read Mór, sharing a meticulously chosen list of 30 book titles penned by some of Ireland’s most treasured authors in all 13 prisons across the nation.

The selection of books including novels, short stories, and poetry was put together in cooperation with the Irish Prison Service’s education staff. Seven of the prisons will also host events which feature readings and engaging dialogues with the participating authors.

The authors who will be visiting the prisons to distribute their books and read out snippets include Pat Sheedy at Portlaoise Prison, Emmett O’Brien at Mountjoy’s Progression Unit, Colm Keegan at Shelton Abbey Prison, Mike McCormack at Castlerea Prison, Annemarie Ní Chuireáinn at the Dóchas Centre (Mountjoy’s Female Prison), and Will Sliney at Cork Prison.

Caron McCaffrey, the director-general of the Irish Prison Service, praised the education units’ efforts, stating that reading has always been a favourite pastime in prisons. For the ones with low literacy skills, she acknowledges, this might pose a challenge, but she also highlights the educational units’ extraordinary work in facilitating reading.

Expressing her excitement about the partnership, Maureen Kennelly, director of the Arts Council, said that literature’s accessibility can be valuable for personal development. She affirmed the council’s commitment to foster a love for reading amongst prisoners, equipping them with knowledge and inspiration that could pave the way for new opportunities in their lives.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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