Art from Pompeii: restored frescoes at the Naples archaeological museum

After a few years of closure, the Collezione Affreschi and Collezione Farnese from the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli will reopen from September.
The affresco collection shows more than 400 restored frescoes from Pompeii, destroyed by the Vesuvius eruption of 79 AC.
The Farnese collection, however, shows works collected by Alessandro Farnese, the future Pope Paul III, and is the biggest collection of historic statues in the world.

The collection of frescoes from Pompeii were taken from the site during the 18th and 19th century, and after restoration will be on display from April 29 at Naplesarchaeological museum in a new exhibition that includes frescoes from the Casa di Meleagro and the Casa dei Dioscuri.
Below is a gallery of some of the works on display, showing some of the favourite works for Romans, including the love story of Mars and Venus, and mythological figures Perseo and Andromeda, along with idyllic nature scenes of mythology and animals.
Other styles include portaits and representations of death.
The exhibition concludes in December 2010.
