Art exhibitions in Italy: Weekend art at Rivoli castle in Turin

From October onwards, during every third weekend of the month, the contemporary art museum at the Rivoli castle in Turin will open its doors to families as part of an important initiative aiming to bring art to children and their parents.
During the month of October, visitors will also have the opportunity to enjoy an interesting exhibition devoted to Gianni Colombo, and many will be thrilled to find the chief attraction of the museum which will be the much awaited Elastic Space (be prepared to be surprised once there!).

The second part of the visit will take place in a workshop where children and adults alike will engage in the setting up of a show in which the body will take centre stage and be turned, thanks to a set of tactile special effects, into a series of monochromatic / polychromatic pages which the amazed participants will be able to feel and touch.
We anticipate that this exciting event is going to be very popular so visits should be booked in advance.
This should be done by contacting the Department of Education – calling the following phone number:
