Aprilia Dorsoduro new pics and video

The Aprilia Dorsoduro was on display at the Rome motodays event and here we give you a new set of Dorsoduro pics and video.
The new gallery gives us a fantastic close-up of the Aprilia Dorsoduro 750 Factory, with its 90°, twin-cylinder V engine, with 92 hp and ride by wire technology.
Other features include 43 mm upside Sachs fork, radial four-piston Brembo calipers on a 320 mm front floating wave disc, and a Matrix analogue-digital instrument panel.

The Dorsoduro has quietly gone about its business after the hype of plenty of other bikes of late, and if you want to know more about how this thing actually rides, check out our test details part one and part two.
It’s a versatile bike, with both naked and superbike features for plenty of fun, and the supermotard hasn’t skimped on interesting technological elements for this kind of bike.
Check it out in the pics and video below.
Aprilia Dorsoduro 750 Factory 2010 new pics

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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