Apple Tax Ruling: Ireland’s Multinational Impact

In this week’s instalment of Inside Business, we delve into the outcome of the Apple tax case ruled by the European Court of Justice, featuring commentary from Joe Brennan. The verdict, handed down on Tuesday, determined that the tech behemoth was a beneficiary of illicit State assistance, leading the ECJ to rule that Ireland should gather around €13 billion in outstanding taxes.

Joe Brennan, having reported on this ongoing drama for the past ten years, engaged in a discussion with the show’s host, Ciarán Hancock, about the various components of the story. The conversational areas included the origins of the case, the expected utilisation of the reclaimed funds, and the possible effect this ruling will have on foreign direct investment in the country.

This week’s instalment also includes an interview with Claire Nash who launched Nash 19 restaurant back in 1992. After many highs and lows that echoed the Irish economy, she made the drastic decision to close in January due to the mounting pressures brought on by the pandemic, sharp inflation, and life’s escalating financial burdens. Nash reviews her motivation behind the closure, conjectures about the true cost of a cup of Joe which she believes should be around €8 or €9, and shares her perspective on how government-led initiatives could serve to rescue the turbulent hospitality sector.

The episode is produced by John Casey, with JJ Vernon handling the sound system.
